Everything starts at the planet OA, where the guardians of the Universe
come from. The guardians had divided the universe into sectors.
They set up a corp of "Green Lanterns", for each sector
there was an own Green Lantern. The guardians gave each Green Lantern
a ring with immense power - everything the person wanted, he had
only to imagine an as long as his will was strong enough, the ring
shaped his thoughts and makes them real. The rings have to loaded
every 24h, anyway.
The first Green Lantern on earth was Alan Scott.
His story is a little bit different than the one we know today.
Alan got his ring not from the guardians or another member of the
corp, but he made it himself. A fragment of the source of power
of the guardians fell to earth long time ago...This fragment was
then once shaped to a lantern. In a train-accident all people died,
except for Alan, who was holding himself at a lantern, THE Lantern.
He quickly realized that the lantern was not from the earth, so
he took a piece of the lantern and shaped himself a ring...
Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern...
The story of the Green Lanterns
we know today, is a little bit adapeted...
One of the most famous Green Lanterns (some even say, he was THE
BEST of them all...) was the testpilot Hal Jordan. One day he landed
near an aircraft from outer space. Inside there was a dying alien,
member of the Green Lantern Corp. The alien passed his ring over
to Hal Jordan. This was the beginning of a story, where Hal gave
everything just to do his job as a Green Lantern the best way ever
possible...Maybe this is was his mistake, his blind loaylty to the
guardians. With time he was asking himself if he was doing the right
thing after all, and he seemed tired of everything. So the guardians
ordered Hal Jordan to pass his ring over to another person. And
so he did....for the moment, at least....
the ring was given to John Stewart. But also with John, not everything
went well. A whole planet had to die because of John, or better, because
he was so arrogant! Still, this was not enough, also John's wife died
(she was also a member of the corp). John quit the corp and founded
the DARKSTARS, also a corp, but without powerfull ring...And even
they were destroyed (John was hurt so bad, that he couldn't walk anymore
- untill Hal came back as Parallax and cured him). |
next Green Lantern was Guy Gardner. But after a short period, Hal
Jordan came back, and defeated Guy. Hal Jordan was again the one
and only Green Lantern.
But what
happened then, is one of the most dramatic stories in the DC Universe...
The homecity of Hal Jordan, Coast City, was totally destructed by
the CYBORG. over 7 million people died... And Hal could not help them.
This was the early end of the greates Green Lantern ever seen. He
could not understand what happened, well, some even say he may have
gone nuts, but hey, who wouln't react after what had happened?!
Hal Jordan wanted to change everything, make all
what happened unhappen, and so he started his journey to the planet
OA, the home of the guardians, for the final act. He wanted more power,
to rebuild the Coast City. But most of all, he wanted some kind of
revenge from the guardians, who denied him his right to be a Green
Lantern and use his power for his personal purposes (as THEY say...). |
The guardians realized that Hal wanted more, and
to stop him, the sent the other Green Lanterns against him. But Hal
Jordans fight was not only his one, but it was the battle of 7 million
people....And he defeated all the other Green Lanterns, before reaching
OA. He did not only defeat some of them, but he also killed them! |
So there was no turning back for him. He took
all the rings of all the other Green Lanterns, and got with every
fight stronger and stronger. At last, he reached the source of power
at OA, and walked in. The guardians died (except one), Hal Jordan
survived the source of power, but he became something else. He was
no longer a Green Lantern, now he called himself PARALLAX. |
The last survived guardian
took all his power and came to earth. And here he gave the last ring
to a young boy called Kyle Rayner. He is now the new (and actual)
Green Lantern. Kyle Rayner changed the costume of Green Lantern a
little bit, as he did not want to be just another Green Lantern, but
a totally new one. |
Parallax started a life in darkness and loness....Always thinking
of all the things he had done - and all the pain he suffered. He fought
against a lot of heroes in the Universe, never was really defeated,
but allways tried to make things unhappen. Untill he met the CYBORG
for the last time. In a final fight, he kills the CYBORG, and takes
revenge for all the people who died in Coast City... |
In the saga FINAL NIGHT, when the suneater is destroying earths sun,
everything seems lost. This is when Hal Jordan (Parallax) comes back
to earth. In this (great) saga, he visits all his old friends, and
then finally starts his struggling against the sun eater. He saves
the sun, gives everything he can...Earth is safe again, the sun shines
back on our planet, and this thanks to Hal Jordan. In this heroic
act, Hal Jordan looses his life, but maybe he has finally found what
he was always looking for. Peace. Peace for him and all the 7 million
people from Coast City...
In brightest day, in darkest night,
no evil shall escape my sight!
Let those who worship evils might,
beware my power...
Green Lantern's light!