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le battaglie del secolo | Batman/Punisher (1994):lago di fuoco / Punisher/Batman:cavalieri mortali

Click for big picture
Serie: X-Over
Number: le battaglie del secolo Nr. 4 di 4
Date: 1995
Publishing House: DC/Marvel
Hardcover: No
Variant Cover: No
Cover Status:
My price in US$: 5,49
Actual condition: 1 (sehr gut)
Reprint: Yes
US Original: Batman/Punisher (1994):Lake of fire / Punisher/Batman (1994):Deadly knights
US Number:
US Date: 1994
Writer: Dennis O'Neil, Chuck Dixon
Painter: Barry Kitson, James Pascoe, John Romita Jr., Klaus Janson
Colors: Matt Hollingsworth, Digital Chameleon, Christie Scheele
Box: 03
Language: italian

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