Welcome to the comiXmania database! Here you can browse through my comics-collection. Have fun!

    Welcome to the comixmania database v2.0! You can browse through the database and
    have a look at my collection! Currently there are 871 records in the database.


18. June 2024

Back- and Frontend Updates!

After almost 5 years I have finally updated the Front- and Backend of the Website! Now everything is working fine again. Next on the ToDo List: Update the layout of the webpage to make it look more modern :-)




14. September 2019

Frontend done!

Frontend programming finished. Webpage works again and all search functions are again enabled.
Now on to the Backend.




07. September 2019

Recoding whole Database!

The whole Database queries have to be recoded to match latest SQL Standards since the webhoster updated PHP to 7.2
This might take a while as I am quite lazy ;-)




Displaying 3 news. There are 27 news in total.